disturbing error message
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
Sat Apr 13 06:33:45 AEST 1991
Excuse me if this has already been discussed....
I am getting the following in the /usr/adm/SYSLOG file. It is
a relatively new occurence. The machines involved are 4D/25s running
variously 3.3.1/3.3.2.
Apr 12 14:38:20 <hostname> grcond[357]: CIO: core file access error
I know someone mentioned that one could safely ignore grcond messages
but..... I would like reassurance and possibly an explanation.
Possibly unrelated, I have been seeing core files from pandora
appearing in /tmp. Any comments on this?
__ __
Loki Jorgenson / / \ \ node: loki at Physics.McGill.CA
Grad, Systems Manager / ////// \\\\\\ \ BITNET: PY29 at MCGILLA
Physics, McGill University \ \\\\\\ ////// / fax: (514) 398-8434
Montreal Quebec CANADA \_\ /_/ phone: (514) 398-7027
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