Stereo on a PI
Lou Harrison
harrison at
Wed Apr 24 21:00:46 AEST 1991
I am trying to get stereo working on a PI 4D25, and have had
little success. Here's the equipment I have:
A Tektronics SGS 620 60/120Hz Monitor with snap on shutter
A Crystal eyes emmitter, glasses and GDC-3 controller
A 4D25 PI with GR 1.5 board {P/N 030-8031-001 rev J}
I also have a 4D20 PI with GR 1.5 board {P/N 030-8031-001 rev E}
and a Genlock option
I have example programs from StereoGraphics including:
isstereo says that stereo is available, but stereotest responds
"Unable to map GM DRAM"
It seems like everything works right except:
1) I'm not sure if the crystal eyse emmitter works right, the
people at StereoGraphics tell me it has no visible lights but the people
at SGI tell me it does have about 8 visible LED's in front.
2) The monitor doesn't seem to kick into 120Hz mode (which
drives the shutter if I ignore Crystal Eyes) Everything on screen gets
twice as big (in y) when I execute onstereo, but that seems to be the
only result.
We've hooked everything up in the following way:
RGB from PI to monitor (a tee on Green at the monitor goes to
the input on the GDC-3.
Composite Sync on the GDC-3 goes to the monitor TTL sync. As I
understand it, the monitor syncs on green, but the 4th BNC labeled sync
is to tell it to switch into 120Hz mode and turn on the shutter (if it's
plugged in).
Drive signal on the GDC-3 goes to the crystal eyes emmitter. So
does the 9-pin connector that's supposed to power the emmitter.
Also, whether the GDC-3 is on or off, or the bypass switch is
pressed or not seems to have no visible effect.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've dealt with
SteroGraphics and SGI, and have had at least two different answers from
each, none of which have worked, and I don't know how to test the
individual components to see if they work correctly.
Thanks in advance,
- Lou Harrison | Software Systems Manager | (harrison at -
- 919-737-7279, NC State U., Computer Sci. Dept., Box 8206 Raleigh, NC 27695 -
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