My notes on how I installed TeX3.1, Metafont2.7 & dvips5.47 on IRIX3.3.1
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
Tue Apr 16 00:15:41 AEST 1991
% \input logos
% \memohead
\font\Bmff=logobf10 scaled 1577
\font\BMFF=logobf10 scaled 2272
\def\MF{\strut\hbox{\logo METAFONT}}\def\.\#1{\strut\hbox{\tt \#1}}
\parskip .5cm
\title{DCD Release Note 4.0 \\[1in]
\underline{{\bf Installation notes for}} \\
\underline{{\bf \TeX\ 3.1, \MF\ 2.7, and dvips 5.4}} \\
\underline{{\bf under Silicon Graphics IRIX 3.3.1}}}
\author{\sc Randolph J. Herber}
\parskip .5cm
{\it \TeX\ 3.1}, {\it \MF\ 2.7}, and {\it dvips 5.4}
are freely distributable text processing systems.
{\it \TeX\ 3.1} translates free-form input to a
device independent typeset format.
{\it \MF\ 2.7} generates bitmapped fonts from generalized descriptions.
{\it dvips 5.4} generates PostScript from the device independent format input
and the bitmapped fonts and available PostScript fonts.
These notes cover my experiences installing
{\it \TeX\ 3.1}, {\it \MF\ 2.7}, and {\it dvips 5.4}
under Silicon Graphics IRIX 3.1.1 on
\TeX\ is one of the accepted text processing systems at
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
UNIX operating systems are gaining acceptance rapidly at Fermilab.
A desire to be able to do text processing with a familiar system
on the computers running the UNIX operating system has been expressed.
As I desired to know how to install \TeX\, \MF\ and dvips from the beginning,
I undertook the task of locating the sources and installing these systems
\section*{\bf\underline{Locating the sources}}
The normal sources for \TeX\ and \MF\ are from
{\it} and
{\it} via ftp
and from the University of Washington via tape.
\TeX\ 3.0 and \MF\ 2.0 are available from {\it} in
the /pub/tex/unix3.0 directory.
I used \TeX\ 3.1 and \MF\ 2.7 obtained by Access Group via tape.
I used dvips 5.4 obtained from {\it} via ftp
from the /pub directory as dvips54.tar.Z, dvipslib.tar.Z and dvipsafm.tar.Z.
The IP address of {\it} is \lbrack\rbrack .
The IP address of {\it} is \lbrack\rbrack .
Problems occurred in ``dvitype'' and ``pltotf'' in the texware directory
and ``bibtex'' in the bibtex directory.
The sources for these programs were replaced with sources obtained from
University of Washington via e-mail.
\section*{\bf\underline{Time estimate}}
Assuming that the sources are available on the installation machine or
by high speed electronic transfer and that no major problems occur,
installation of these three systems combined can be done in about four
The first time with no experience and no detailed installation notes,
I take about 4 days to install these three systems.
There were major problems in compilation and execution of these systems.
These notes implictly include my efforts to avoid these problems.
\section*{\bf\underline{Description of installation}}
\item Make directories with {\it mkdir} to hold the working
copies of the \TeX\ and \MF\ sources and of the dvips sources.
cd /usr/distribute
mkdir TeX3.1 dvips54
\item Copy the compressed tar files into the appropriate
/usr/distribute directories by various means.
\item {\it uncompress} and un{\it tar} the sources in their
respective directories.
cd /usr/distribute/TeX3.1
zcat TeX3.1.tar.Z | tar -xvof -
cd /usr/distribute/dvips54
zcat dvips54.tar.Z | tar -xvof -
\item Write a csh script to be source'd to setup up
some shell variables and add '.' to PATH.
These paths should match the paths declared in
site.h (see item \ref{site.h} on page \pageref{site.h}),
\TeX{}'s master Makefile
(see item \ref{TMake} on page \pageref{TMake}),
\TeX{}'s Install\_INPUTS
(see item \ref{INPUTS} on page \pageref{INPUTS}),
dvips's Makefile
(see item \ref{DMake} on page \pageref{DMake}),
dvips's MakeTeXPK
(see item \ref{DMTP} on page \pageref{DMTP}),
(see item \ref{config} on page \pageref{config}),
dvips's config.Black
(see item \ref{configB} on page \pageref{configB}),
dvips's config.White
(see item \ref{configW} on page \pageref{configW}).
Add the current directory, ``.'', to the path
variable only if it is needed.
# should be set to match site.h (and Makefile)
set bl=/usr/local/bin
set ll=/usr/local/lib
set tl=$ll/tex
set ml=$ll/mf
set wl=`pwd`/TeX3.1
set fl=$tl/fonts/tfm
set dl=($bl $ll $tl $tl/formats $tl/fonts \
$tl/fonts/tfm $tl/inputs \
$tl/bib $ml $ml/bases $ml/inputs)
set path=($path .)
\item Change directory to \$wl
\item Copy Makefile-dist to Makefile and edit Makefile
\item Change CC to ``cc''.
\item Change YACC to ``yacc''.
\item Note: for this installation, CFLAGS did not need to be changed.
\item Change wlib to \$(x11lib)
\item Change formats to tex.fmt latex.fmt slitex.fmt
\item Change bases to mf.base cmmf.base
\item Change localmodes to ``fermi''.
{\bf Note: the paths below must match those in item \ref{paths}
on page \pageref{paths}.}
\item Change INSTALL to ``\$(wl)/emplant'' from ``install -g tex''.
Replace \$(wl) above with the full path specification.
Make ``emplant'' executable, i.e.\ ``chmod 755 emplant''.
Text of ``emplant'' shell script:
cp $4 $5
chmod $1 $5
chgrp $3 $5
chown $2 $5
\item Change fileinstall to ``\$(INSTALL) 644 bin sys''.
\item Change proginstall to ``\$(INSTALL) 755 bin sys''.
\item Change bindir to /usr/local/bin
\item Change mandir to /usr/local/man/man1
\item Change texlibdir to /usr/local/lib/tex
\item Change texpooldir to \$(texlibdir)
\item Change texinputdir to \$(texlibdir)/inputs
\item Change texfontdir to \$(texlibdir)/fonts/tfm
\item Change formatdir to \$(texlibdir)/formats
\item Change mflibdir to /usr/local/lib/mf
\item Change mfpooldir to \$(mflibdir)
\item Change mfinputdir to \$(mflibdir)/inputs
\item Change basedir to \$(mflibdir)/bases
\item In the {\it install-formats} rule,
change ``\$(formatdir)'' to ``\$(formatdir)/\$\$f''.
\item In the {\it install-bases} rule,
change ``\$(basedir)'' to ``\$(basedir)/\$\$f''.
\item Copy site.h-dist to site.h and edit site.h
\item Set define SYSV
\item Set undef \_POSIX\_SOURCE
{\bf Note: the paths below must match those in item \ref{paths}
on page \pageref{paths}.}
\item Set define TEXFONTS ``.:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm''
\item Set define TEXFORMATS ``.:/usr/local/lib/tex/formats''
\item Set define TEXINPUTS ``.:/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs''
\item Set define TEXPOOL ``/usr/local/lib/tex''
\item Set define MFBASES ``.:/usr/local/lib/mf/bases''
\item Set define MFINPUTS ``.:/usr/local/lib/mf/inputs''
\item Set define MFPOOL ``/usr/local/lib/tex/mf''
\item Set define VFFONTS ``.:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/vf''
Note that it is necessary to uncomment this line.
\item Set define TEXFONTS\_SUBDIR ``/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm''
\item Set define TEXINPUTS\_SUBDIR ``/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs''
\item Set define MFINPUTS\_SUBDIR ``/usr/local/lib/mf/inputs''
\item Set define BIBINPUTS ``.:/usr/local/lib/tex/bib''
\item Set define X11WIN /* X Version 11. */
\item Set define HAVE\_GETWD
\item Set define SPRINTF\_RETURN\_TYPE int
\item Set define REGFIX
\item If not-AIX, set the second typedef schar to
``typedef signed char schar;''.
Note, if ``signed char'' is not acceptable to your compiler,
use ``char'' or ``short'' which ever gives a signed integer
with at least 7 bits of magnitude.
\item Set define EDITOR the full file name of the desired editor.
\item Do ``mkdir \$dl''.
\item Do ``chmod 755 \$dl''.
\item Do ``chgrp sys \$dl''.
\item Do ``chown bin \$dl''.
\item Copy \$wl/TeXfonts/* to \$fl
This copies all of the \TeX\ font metric files to the
file system location they will be used from.
\item Edit Install\_INPUTS to change environment variable definitions
near the top of the shell script to match values in
Makefile and site.h and to change ``cp -p'' commands
to ``cp'' commands.
Because some of the {\it chmod} argument lists may
become too long, it is necessary to change,
``chmod 666 \verb+$MFINPUT/*.mf+'' to
``find \verb+$MFINPUTS+ -name \verb+'*.mf'+ \verb+|+
xargs chmod 666'' (near the top of the shell script) and
``chmod 444 \verb+$MFINPUT/*.mf+'' to
``find \verb+$MFINPUTS+ -name \verb+'*.mf'+ \verb+|+
xargs chmod 444'' (near the bottom of the shell script).
\item Do ``sh -x Install\_INPUTS''.
This shell script copies the various program input files
the directories they are to reside within.
\item Do ``cp \$ml/inputs/U\ \$ml/inputs/''.
\item Do ``chmod 644 \$ml/inputs/''.
\item Edit \$ml/inputs/ (see following)
to add mode Black as shown below and
to add White as a copy of RicohFourZeroEightZero
changing the comments and the ``modedef'' line,
and to modify base\_version and localfont.
This is to establish \MF\ modes for driving the common
types of laser print engine.
Some types clear the image to black and write the white;
other types clear the image to white and write the black.
Because the pixels are round and bleed a little, the images
formed by the different types of print engine need slightly
different fonts to form the proper images.
% Write Black (same as DEC LNO3 mode)
% LNOthree mode: for the DEC LN03 printer (Ricoh LP)
mode_def Black =
proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
pixels_per_inch:=300; % pixels per inch
blacker:=0.65; % blacker pens
%blacker:=0.3; % makes CMR5 "a" look better
fillin:=-0.1; % compensate for light diagonals
o_correction:=.5; % overshoot
localfont:=Black; % the mode most commonly used to make fonts
\item Remove or rename any ``makefile'' (note ``m'', not ``M'').
\item Do ``make''.
Note: any warning about statements not reachable may be
safely ignored. Other errors and warning probably
reflect trouble.
If you need to cleanup after changing files to correct
problems, do a ``make veryclean'' in the appropriate
directory to remove any results of the compilation attempt.
\item Do ``make install''.
\item Do ``rehash'', if you are using {\it csh}.
\item Edit the mf/Makefile to assure that localmodes is
and to assure that the cmmf.base target is as follows:
cmmf.base: mf.base
./inimf 'plain; input $(localmodes); input cmbase; dump'
mv plain.base cmmf.base
mv plain.log cmmf.log
Note: if it is necessary to rerun inimf, it may be
necessary to define a exported shell environment
variable with a value that mfpooldir was set to in
the main \TeX\ Makefile.
It may be necessary to do a ``make veryclean''.
If you are using the values suggested in this
document, that value is /usr/local/lib/mf.
\item Do ``make formats''.
\item Do ``make install-formats''.
\item Do ``make bases''.
\item Do ``make install-bases''.
Install of \TeX\ 3.1 and \MF\ 2.7 is complete at this point.
\item Change to the dvips 5.4 directory
This is the beginning of the install of dvips 5.4.
This directory was created in item \ref{create} on
page \pageref{create}.
\item Edit the Makefile
\item Uncomment SYS= -DSYSV
\item Change all occurances of ``/usr/bin'' to ``/usr/local/bin''.
\item Change all occurances of ``/usr/lib'' to ``/usr/local/lib''.
\item Delete -DDEFRES=400 text
\item Delete -Wall text
\item Change FLIBS text to ``-lm''.
\item Change the install procedure (the ``install:'' rule).
\item Make two copies of the ``install -c -m'' lines
\item Change the first set of lines to ``chmod'' commands,
using the indicated modes
Replace ``install -c -m'' with ``chmod''.
Remove `` \$'' and following text.
\item Change the second set to ``cp'' the files to the
indicated destinations.
Replace ``install -c -m '' and the following three digits
with ``cp''.
\item Optionally remove the ``/LocalLibrary'' components
from the path definitions.
If these components are not used, they are not necessary
in these definitions.
If left in, they would cause a extremely minor slowing of
\item Optionally, if you are maintaining dvips's inputs separate
from \TeX{}'s inputs, add the path to dvips's inputs to
\item Edit
\item Change default resolution to 300
\item Remove the default printer specification.
\item Set the \MF\ mode.
\item Set the path to the font directory.
* With a virtual machine, we can claim 1M of memory.
m 1000000
* And send output by default to a PostScript file.
* o !flpr -q wh7x_ps
* Default resolution.
D 300
* Last resort sizes.
R 100 120 144 300 360 400 432 480
* Set Metafont mode to White (i.e. for write-white print engines)
M White
* Set pk subdirectory for White fonts
P /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk/White
\item Edit MakeTeXPK
\item Change DESTDIR (see item \ref{paths} on page \pageref{paths}).
\item Change MODE for BDPI = 300 to White (for DEC LNO3).
\item Change default resolution to 300 pixels per inch.
\item Add code to save the tfm if needed.
# This script file makes a new TeX PK font, because one wasn't
# found. Parameters are:
# name dpi bdpi magnification [mode]
# `name' is the name of the font, such as `cmr10'. `dpi' is
# the resolution the font is needed at. `bdpi' is the base
# resolution, useful for figuring out the mode to make the font
# in. `magnification' is a string to pass to MF as the
# magnification. `mode', if supplied, is the mode to use.
# Note that this file must execute Metafont, and then gftopk,
# and place the result in the correct location for the PostScript
# driver to find it subsequently. If this doesn't work, it will
# be evident because MF will be invoked over and over again.
# Of course, it needs to be set up for your site.
# TEMPDIR needs to be unique for each process because of the possibility
# of simultaneous processes running this script.
# DESTDIR=/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk
umask 0
if test "$MODE" = ""
if test $BDPI = 300
elif test $BDPI = 400
elif test $BDPI = 100
elif test $BDPI = 635
elif test $BDPI = 1270
elif test $BDPI = 2540
echo "I don't know the mode for $BDPI"
echo "Have your system admin update MakeTeXPK"
exit 1
# Something like the following is useful at some sites.
# Clean up on normal or abnormal exit
trap "cd /; rm -rf $TEMPDIR $DESTDIR/pktmp.$$" 0 1 2 15
mkdir $TEMPDIR
if test -r $DESTDIR/$PKNAME
echo "$DESTDIR/$PKNAME already exists!"
exit 0
# check also in the standard place
# if test -r /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk/$PKNAME
# then
# echo /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk/$PKNAME already exists!
# exit 0
# fi
echo mf "\mode:=$MODE; mag:=$MAG; scrollmode; input $NAME" \\\</dev/null
mf "\mode:=$MODE; mag:=$MAG; scrollmode; input $NAME" </dev/null
if test ! -r $GFNAME
echo "Metafont failed for some reason on $GFNAME"
exit 1
# Install the PK file carefully, since others may be doing the same
# as us simultaneously.
chmod 644 $PKNAME
mv $PKNAME $DESTDIR/pktmp.$$
mv pktmp.$$ $PKNAME
# check also for the tfm file being in place
if test -r $tfm
exit 0
chmod 644 $TEMPDIR/$NAME.tfm
mv $TEMPDIR/$NAME.tfm $tfm.$$
mv $tfm.$$ $tfm
exit 0
\item Do ``make''.
\item Do ``make install''.
\item Do ``rehash'', if you are using {\it csh}.
\item Make the White and Black directories in
\item Do ``MakeTeXPK cminch 300 300 magstep\verb+\(0\)+''
to create a missing tfm file.
{\bf Note: Most of the files below may be found as
machine-readable files in various locations or
may be extracted from the \TeX\ input form of this document.}
\item Add Fermilab logo as \$tl/ps/
\item Add draft overlay as \$tl/ps/
/bop-hook {
216 54 translate 65 rotate
/Times-Roman findfont 216 scalefont setfont
0 0 moveto 0.95 setgray (DRAFT) show grestore
userdict /start-hook known
{start-hook userdict /start-hook {} put} if
} bind def
\item Add letter head overlay as \$tl/ps/
/start-hook {
50 720 translate
/Logo findfont 31 scalefont setfont 0 0 moveto (F) show
/Helvetica findfont 17 scalefont setfont
38.5 9 moveto (Fermilab) show
/Helvetica findfont 9 scalefont setfont
324 16 moveto
0.6376 0
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) ashow
324 3 moveto
0.5159 0
(P.O. Box 500 \267 Batavia, Illinois \267 60510) ashow
} bind def
/bop-hook {
userdict /start-hook known
{start-hook userdict /start-hook {} put} if
} bind def
\item Add memo overlay as \$tl/ps/
/start-hook {
55 693 translate
/Logo findfont 56.25 scalefont setfont 0 0 moveto (F) show
/Helvetica-Bold findfont 23.5 scalefont setfont 68 21 moveto
(Fermilab) show grestore
} bind def
/bop-hook {
userdict /start-hook known
{start-hook userdict /start-hook {} put} if
} bind def
\item Add null personal overlay as \$tl/ps/
\item Add Black printer customization as \$tl/ps/config.Black
by copying and editing (see item \ref{config} on
page \pageref{config}):
* With a virtual machine, we can claim 1M of memory.
m 1000000
* And send output by default to a PostScript file.
* o !flpr -q wh7x_ps
* Default resolution.
D 300
* Last resort sizes.
R 100 120 144 300 360 400 432 480
* Set Metafont mode to Black (i.e. for write-black print engines)
M Black
* Set pk subdirectory for Black fonts
P /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk/Black
\item Add White printer customization as \$tl/ps/config.White:
by copying and editing (see item \ref{config} on
page \pageref{config}):
* With a virtual machine, we can claim 1M of memory.
m 1000000
* And send output by default to a PostScript file.
* o !flpr -q wh7x_ps
* Default resolution.
D 300
* Last resort sizes.
R 100 120 144 300 360 400 432 480
* Set Metafont mode to White (i.e. for write-white print engines)
M White
* Set pk subdirectory for White fonts
P /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/pk/White
\item Change \$tl/inputs/logos.tex to use these files:
\item Create VFFONTS directory, ``/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/vf"
(see item \ref{paths} on page \pageref{paths}).
\item Copy vf's to VFFONTS directory.
\item Do ``find /usr/local/lib -type d -print \verb+|+
xargs chmod 755''
(see item \ref{paths} on page \pageref{paths}).
Note: to allow users to add new magnifications the
pk subdirectories (Black and White) must be mode 777
(``cd \$fl/pk; chmod 777 Black White'').
\item Do ``find /usr/local/lib -type f -print \verb+|+
xargs chmod 644''
(see item \ref{paths} on page \pageref{paths}).
\item Print manual: ``latex dvips'', ``dvips dvips'' and
``flpr'' to a printer of your choice.
\item Write a report about ``how it was done.''.
\indent\indent\TeX\ is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
\MF\ is a trademark of Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation.
IRIX is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Incorporated.
UNIX is a registered trademark of AT\&T Corporation and UNIX Systems
Laboratory, Inc.
AIX and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines, Corporation.
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