Defunct messages and spawned processes
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
Tue Feb 26 04:47:40 AEST 1991
I attempted to respond to the original poster via e-mail. It was returned to
me as undeliverable mail. Because I think that some readers of this mailing
list may find the answer useful, I am sending it to mailing list.
Randolph J. Herber,
herber at (also the acting FNAL postmaster).
+From: SMTP%"Postmaster" 25-FEB-1991 10:08:50.34
+Subj: Undeliverable Mail
+Date: Mon, 25 Feb 1991 10:08:39 CST
+From: Postmaster at FNALA.FNAL.GOV
+Subject: Undeliverable Mail
+Comment: Bad address -- <lkestel at>
+Comment: Address refused by receiver: <lkestel at> (550 (USER) Unknown user name in "lkestel at")
+Start of returned message
+ Date: Mon, 25 Feb 1991 10:08:26 CST
+ From: HERBER at FNALA.FNAL.GOV (Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966)
+ Message-Id: <910225100826.24e07268 at FNALA.FNAL.GOV>
+ Subject: Re: Defunct messages and spawned processes
+ To: lkestel at
+ X-Vmsmail-To: SMTP%"lkestel at"
+ Hi!
+ The answer to your first problem is that you have to collect your zombie
+ children's death certificates before they can be laid to their rest.
+ The answer to your second question is that a window will not close until
+ processes that have open file descriptors to it close them.
+ Those were the head lines. Now the news in detail.
+ In the kernel, there are two structures that are used to maintain a process's
+ context. The process block is used to maintain the data that must be
+ resident at all times. The user area is used to maintain the data that can
+ be swapped out or released after the process terminates execution. When
+ a process terminates, the exit status data is stored into the process block
+ and the user area is released. The process block is released only when the
+ parent of the process issues a wait(2) or wait3(2) system call to obtain this
+ information. While a process is in this state, frequently, it is refered to
+ as a "zombie." Sometimes, this status data is refered to as a "death
+ certificate." If a parent process dies (terminates) before a child process,
+ the child is sent to the orphanage which is run by init, process 1. Init
+ waits for the death of its children. For its natural children, it spawns
+ (gives birth to) new copies of those children as needed. This is governed
+ by /etc/inittab. For the orphans, it just circular files the death
+ certificates as the accounting data that is written at the same time is handled
+ by the kernel.
+ The second program in your chain of program inherits any open files from
+ its parent process, the first program in your chain. What resources are
+ inherited from a parent is documented in fork(2). As the windows are normally
+ opened as stdin, stdout and stderr, these need to be closed by the child
+ to release the window. You may need to release the control terminal data
+ from the process block as well. For this I suggest that you research how
+ to write a daemon program.
+ Randy Herber,
+End of returned message
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