Process killed due to insufficient memory/swap.

Lisa M. Balbes lmb at
Sat Feb 16 06:28:34 AEST 1991

Last night, I left a single (rather cpu-intensive) background processs running,
along with a few idle shell processes.  When I came in this morning, 
I found the job had crashed after running 5 1/2 hours, and I had the 
following error message in the console window. 

WARNING:  Process [sybyl.exe] pid 10828 killed due to insufficient

Previously, an interactive graphics process crashed with the same message 
when there was a similar background job running.  I re-started the job 
(from scratch), and after it has run for about an hour, df shows
Filesystem                 Type  blocks     use   avail %use  Mounted on
/dev/root                   efs   30360   27037    3323  89%  /
/dev/usr2                   efs 1272705  276650  996055  22%  /usr2
/dev/usr                    efs 1160580  449255  711325  39%  /usr
/debug                      dbg  143096   87448   55648  61%  /debug

and swap -l shows:

path               dev  swaplo blocks   free
/dev/dsk/dks0d1s1 22,33      0  81144  51752

Neither of these looks to me like all the swap space is full.
Am I missing something?

We are running on a brand new 4D/310 VGX, IRIX version 3.3.1, and are 
supposed to have 32 MB of memory.  As a NOVICE system administrator,
is there anything I can do to fix this problem short of 1) buying more
memory or 2) learning how to repartition a disk to add more swap space ? 

	Thanks in advance - Lisa
Note:  Replies will probably bounce, 
send to balbes at or lmb at
   Lisa M. Balbes, Ph.D.           "Life would be boring without problems."     
Research Triangle Institute     	      
   P. O. Box 12194                            919-541-6563 Work 
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194         919-490-1888 Home

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