laaksone at BIO.VTT.FI
laaksone at BIO.VTT.FI
Tue Feb 12 21:27:57 AEST 1991
We work with a program to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories
from CHARMm and DISCOVER. Currently we are only using the visualization
effects from our SGI machines. Now we would be interested to included
sound or even speech into the program. My questions are:
1) Where can I find some more documentation for the audio
device on a PI? I have some demo programs for recording
and playback of sound but that's not really what I want.
2) Has somebody written a class library for c++ or something
in plain c which would contain the generation of sound/speech?
This would be something close to what you can get for
a Macintosh.
-leif laaksonen
Leif Laaksonen I "Learn from yesterday,
Phone: 358-0-4565105 I live for today,
Fax: 358-0-4552028 I look to tomorrow,
I rest this afternoon."
Mail: laaksone at geeni.bio.vtt.fi I -- Snoopy
or I
laaksonen at finfun.bitnet I
Post address: I Street address:
VTT/Biotechnical laboratory I VTT/Bio
P.O. Box 202 I Tietotie 2
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