exabyte record size limit
Christer Olsson
co at fy.chalmers.se
Sat Feb 23 03:54:48 AEST 1991
In article <1991Feb14.223941.4318 at b11.ingr.com> mcconnel at b11.UUCP (Guy McConnell) writes:
>In article <1991Feb8.152435.10875 at helios.physics.utoronto.ca> sysmark at physics.utoronto.ca (Mark Bartelt) writes:
We have a uVAX II/GPX with an IBIS 1.2 Gigabytes videodisc. The
Imageprocessing system backups the disk into some hundreds of savesets
(one saveset contains one picture and a desciptorfile.). Today, we use
a TK50 tapedrive (95 meg) and a complete backup needs a half week
continous running... Therefore, we have some plans to buy an Exabyte
tapedrive and connect it to a SCSI-host on the machine.
But, can an Exabyte handle so many savesets without loosing capacity?
I think a complete backup generate more than 600-700 savesets.
Is it possible for a slow uVAX II vith VMS 4.7 backup to feed an
Exabyte with enough data without loosing space? I think an Exabyte
needs at least 100K/byte per second under writing a saveset? (no saveset is
smaller than 400K, some savesets is 300 Mbyte large)
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