getty errors. For Kenny McDonald...
Claude.P.Cantin at nrc.CA
Claude.P.Cantin at nrc.CA
Fri Feb 15 04:19:27 AEST 1991
I have tried to reply to Kenny McDonald (c60244 at ccfiris.aedc) but
mail sent to him keeps comming back to me!!!
Subject: Re: GETTY error
To: Kenny McDonald <c60244 at ccfiris.aedc>
We had similar "problems" here. It was caused by people
using "nohup &", then logging off... Then those error
messages would start (ttyd45 if nohup was started from that port, etc).
SOOOOOOoooo I convinced my users to use "batch" instead to send
programs. "batch" is MUCH better to use than "nohup" because:
1. any output is sent to you via mail.
2. it is much more efficient: it runs at a lower priority than
interactive jobs, so interactive users are NOT penalized.
3. You can control the number of jobs running by changing
the queue configuration files in /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs.
You can also change the "nice" priority of the queues.
4. This has worked very well in here. When a large job (larger
than a few minutes) is processed, "batch" is always used.
(a few tried to do it in interactive mode, but "got caught"!).
Hope this helps,
Claude Cantin
National Research Council of Canada
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