wsh iconic
Martin Liversage
operator at IRIS.KTH.DK
Wed Feb 6 19:49:59 AEST 1991
Just to straighten out a few facts...
In article <9102051753.AA01245 at> Tony Facca
<fsfacca at> writes:
> > Is it possible to execute 'wsh' so that it comes up iconic or
> > "stowed"? Something like the "-iconic" flag of sunview programs.
> > I'm running NeWS (4Sight 1.1) on IRIX 3.2 (tomorrow it will be 3.3).
> Wait until tomorrow and then use "-Z7"
I'm running IRIX 3.2 and I have been using the (undocumented) '-Z7'
option for a long time.
In article <9102051758.AA06686 at ccfiris.aedc> Kenny McDonald
<c60244 at ccfiris.aedc> writes:
> You can start wsh with -Z7 to start it iconic. You will have to place it
> with the mouse unless you give -px,y (where x,y is the lower left hand corner
> of the wsh).
Or you can use the preforigin, prefposition and prefalias described in
the NeWS manual to place windows on your desktop (not the real one 8) ).
You will have to put these statements in your file. FYI I
have included my own here:
---------------------------- example of ----------------------------
% User customization file.
systemdict /dbgstart known not { (NeWS/ run } if
% Debugger Aliases
/dbe {dbgbreakenter} def
/dbx {dbgbreakexit} def
/dc {dbgcontinue} def
/dcb {dbgcontinuebreak} def
/dcc {dbgcopystack dbgcontinue} def
/dcs {dbgcopystack} def
/de {dbgenter} def
/deb {dbgenterbreak} def
/dgb {dbggetbreak} def
/dk {dbgkill} def
/dkb {dbgkillbreak} def
/dlb {dbglistbreaks} def
/dmp {dbgmodifyproc} def
/dp {dbgpatch} def
/dpe {dbgprintfenter} def
/dpx {dbgprintfexit} def
/dw {dbgwhere} def
/dwb {dbgwherebreak} def
/dx {dbgexit} def
/dss {dbgstop dbgstart} def
/RunWsh { % command name => -
(wsh -r1000 -s40x80 -m60x80 -fScreen11 -n ') exch append
(' -c ) append exch append
} def
/IconWsh { % command name => -
(wsh -r1000 -s40x80 -m60x80 -fScreen11 -Z7 -n ') exch append
(' -c ) append exch append
} def
/RunSh { % - => -
(SHELL) getenv (wsh) RunWsh
} def
/IconSh { % - => -
(SHELL) getenv (wsh) IconWsh
} def
/RunTelnet { % hostname => -
dup (telnet ) exch append exch
(.) search { 3 1 roll pop pop } if
} def
/IconNotes { % - => -
(emacs Notes -f split-window-vertically Projects) (notes) IconWsh
} def
% Customize the UserProfile
UserProfile /MenuHome /overFirst put
UserProfile /colorfulWindows /true put
UserProfile /prefStackSize 8 put
UserProfile /prefStacks 1 put
UserProfile /prefDelta [ 8 -32 /Filling ] put
% Layout of desktop
(console) 21 21 preforigin
(wsh) 154 297 preforigin
(winterm) (wsh) prefalias
(Emacs) (wsh) prefalias
(WorkSpace) (wsh) prefalias
(kl4iris) (wsh) prefalias
(nbivax) (wsh) prefalias
(vtam) (wsh) prefalias
(localhost) (wsh) prefalias
(notes) (wsh) prefalias
(showmap) 154 297 600 600 prefposition
(gamcal) (showmap) prefalias
(clock) 21 725 90 82 prefposition
(snoop) 953 21 preforigin
(snapshot) 1157 14 preforigin
(cal) 999 794 preforigin
/SysManPosition [ 154 628 ] def
/SysManGroup { % name delta => -
SysManPosition 0 get
UserProfile /prefDelta get 0 get add
SysManPosition 1 get exch sub
UserProfile /prefDelta get 1 get add
} def
(System Manager) SysManPosition 0 get SysManPosition 1 get preforigin
(Backup & Restore) 0 SysManGroup
(Backup) 215 SysManGroup
(Restore) 535 SysManGroup % fix this
(Disk and File) 100 SysManGroup
(Networking) 300 SysManGroup
(Printers) 0 SysManGroup
(Serial Ports) 85 SysManGroup
(Users) 235 SysManGroup
% My console
/consoleStartsIconic /false def
/RunConsole {
(/etc/gl/startconsole -r1000 -s10x80 -m60x80 -fScreen11)
/consoleStartsIconic where {
consoleStartsIconic /true eq {
( -Z7) append
} if
} if
} def
% Start it all
/RestartActions [
% { (twilight) seqfork }
{ (gamma 2.4) seqfork }
{ (makemap) seqfork }
{ (demochest) seqfork }
{ (clock) seqfork }
{ IconSh } % is this a seqfork bug ???
{ RunSh }
{ IconSh }
{ IconNotes }
] def
---------------------------- example of ----------------------------
\ \
\ Martin Liversage 8616 m /\ \
\ Royal Dental College Copenhagen / \_ K2 - Mountain of Fate \
\ Department of Pediatric Dentistry / \ \ and Dreams \
\ Norre Alle 20 / | | \ \
\ DK-2200 Kobenhavn N /\ | \ \ \
\ +45 31 37 17 00 - 4276 / \ ^ | \ \
\ \
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