IRIX 3.3.1 f77 bug
Calvin H. Vu
calvin at
Wed Jan 9 06:55:45 AEST 1991
In <9101080833.aa14069 at TBD2.BRL.MIL> glennrp at BRL.MIL (Glenn Randers-Pehrson, TBD|WMB) writes:
| c
| c This crashes the IRIX 3.3 FTN compiler when run with
| c f77 -c -O ftnbug.f on IRIS 4D 220GTX's, IRIX 3.3.1.
| c
| c I realize ic1, ic3, and npc1 are unused, but this is extracted
| c from a much larger subroutine in which they aren't unused.
This optimizer bug has been fixed in the MIPS 2.10 release which
will be in our next release.
| ...Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp at>
- calvin
Calvin H. Vu | "We are each of us angels with only one
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems | wing. And we can only fly embracing
calvin at (415) 962-3679 | each other."
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