.forward fails intermittently

Dan Watts dwatts at ki.UUCP
Thu Jan 10 03:28:52 AEST 1991

I'm running IRIX 3.3.1 on a Silicon Graphics Personal Iris.  I've
noticed a problem recently with sendmail and a users .forward file.
It appears that sendmail (or whoever it is that delivers the local
mail) doesn't always use the .forward file.  When mail is sent from
a remote system via an alias on that remote system (user at remote),
the email when it arrives on my system is always put into the
/usr/mail/user mail file instead of being forwarded.  The .forward
is used when mail is sent to user at mysite (or mysite!user).  Has
anyone see this before?  Is there a workaround?

The mail header of one of these nonforwarded email messages is:

 > From root at ki2  Tue Jan  1 12:46:15 1991
 > Received: from ki2 by ki via UUCP (5.52/890607.SGI)
 >	  (for jpuffer) id AA16489; Tue, 1 Jan 91 12:46:15 EST
 > From: root at ki2
 > Received: by ki2 (AIX 1.3/890607.SGI)
 >	  (for ki!jpuffer) id AA25933; Tue, 1 Jan 91 12:39:54 -0500
 > Date: Tue, 1 Jan 91 12:39:54 -0500
 > Message-Id: <9101011739.AA25933 at ki2>
 > To: joe at ki2
 > Subject: sample email
 > Status: RO

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# CompuServe: >INTERNET:uunet.UU.NET!ki!dwatts    Dan Watts         #
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