Remote Server
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
Fri Jan 18 08:58:38 AEST 1991
'scuse my *ix ignorance in general, and my Irix ignorance in specific,
but what is the most strait-forward and robust way for me to allow users
on one machine to cause a task to be perfomed on another machine (which
they may or may not have an account on)? The 2 machines are on the same
eg: User on machine A issues a command `foo bar`, and my process on
machine B is awakened (or started - I don't expect many hits) with
the parameter 'bar', and the sender's machine and userid. Ideally,
I'd like to send some status info back to the sender.
The simplest hack I could come up with is for the users to start a shell
that would quietly FTP a small file to the other machine. Then have a
task there wake up every minute or so and check for the existance of
that file, read it, act upon it, then delete it. 2 things that come
to mind immediately are that A) Two or more hits on the server before
it has a chance to act will result in the 1st one being lost (or the
2nd one being locked out), and B) doesn't sound too secure to me.
Also, returning status info and errors would be difficult this way.
I could use MAIL I suppose, but there MUST be a way. Can someone tell
me what man pages/manuals to consult? Does anyone have (simple!) sample
C source of how to do this (with a socket or something?) that I could
see? Any help appreciated. Please try to reply direct, and I'll
summarize back to the group.
/PJ SofPJF at VM.UoGuelph.Ca
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