Second Graphics Console
Jit Keong Tan
Wed Jan 30 01:05:07 AEST 1991
portuesi at (Michael Portuesi) said:
> You cannot run WorkSpace anywhere else except the graphics console of
> the IRIS. It uses the Graphics Library for all of its imaging. It
> was also my impression that the NeXT station supported Display
> PostScript, not NeWS. It might be hard getting a NeWS application to
> run there.
> You can use an X terminal with an IRIS just as you would with any
> other computer system.
Does this imply that IRIX 4.0 will be able to handle a second console
because the window server will be X window and that NeWS will be
a client running on top of X window ?
Jit Keong Tan | internet: jit at
(919) 684-8098 | bitnet : tan00001 at dukemc.bitnet
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Duke University Medical Center
Department Of Cell Biology
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