problems with NQS 'help' command
Steve Dempsey
sdempsey at UCSD.EDU
Wed Jan 30 07:41:16 AEST 1991
software: NQS 1.0
os version: 3.3.1
model: 4D/340VGX
The NQS documentation frequently urges the reader to invoke the online help
command in order to obtain useful info that is not documented anywhere else.
When I invoke the NQS queue manager 'qmgr' and ask for help, I get the
following garbage as output:
sdchemi3[5] qmgr
Mgr: help
o adding schedctl() and sysmp()
Revision 1.1 89/11/17 16:18:24 bh
iniitial revision
What gets printed is the end of the RCS revision history at the beginning
of the file /usr/lib/nqs/qmgr.hlp. Attempts to get help on specific NQS
qmgr commands result in seemingly random displays of unrelated portions of
this file. Is it a problem with the help file or the qmgr program?
Here is the front end of the help file I received:
/*++ qmgr.hlp - Network queueing System
* $Source: /jake/att/usr/src/cmd/nqs/qmgr/RCS/qmgr.hlp,v $
* NQS Qmgr help file.
* Author:
* -------
* Brent A. Kingsbury, Sterling Software Incorporated.
* September 9, 1985.
* None.
* REVISION HISTORY: ($Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 90/06/26 08:57:10 $ $State: Exp $)
* $Log: qmgr.hlp,v $
Revision 1.10 90/06/26 08:57:10 bh
fixed minor grammatical error, and reference to 'help network'
Revision 1.9 90/06/12 14:59:16 bh
minor cleanup
Revision 1.8 90/03/20 10:33:30 bh
more tersification
Revision 1.7 90/03/19 16:23:21 bh
removed help on delete request
Revision 1.6 90/03/19 15:05:09 bh
folded all upper/lower cmd stuff to all lower case
lots of little corrections and tersification
Revision 1.5 90/02/27 17:17:03 bh
fixed problem with seT_NICLIM
Revision 1.4 90/02/20 17:35:34 bh
changes for new limits in 3.3
Revision 1.3 89/12/20 08:54:57 bh
added set globalrun
Revision 1.2 89/12/15 13:25:39 bh
additions related to adding schedctl() and sysmp()
Revision 1.1 89/11/17 16:18:24 bh
iniitial revision
The available commands are:
abort add create delete disable enable
exit help lock purge qsetenv set
show shutdown start stop unlock
To obtain more information about a command, type:
help <command-name>
Each command can usually abbreviated. Long lines can be split into
multiple lines by using a "\" at the end of a partial command line.
Steve Dempsey voice: (619) 534-0208
Dept. of Chemistry Computer Facility, 0314 UUCP: ucsd!sdempsey
University of Calif. at San Diego BITNET: sdempsey at ucsd
9500 Gilman Drive INTERNET: sdempsey at
La Jolla, CA 92093-0314 fax: (619) 534-0058
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