rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
Fri Jan 11 07:00:59 AEST 1991
We have a mixed bunch of computers in the section where I work including
Iris 4D80GT
Iris 4D35
various 286/386 IBM clones
various Mac II's
Currently the ones that require it are on a thick wire ethernet and we
use telnet and ftp to move files around. We would like to share printers
between these computers and maybe cross mount files, though this is not
as important. I interested in responses from people who have successfully
gotten SGI machines communicating with IBM clones and Mac's and sharing
printers. What software have you used, was it easy or complicated to
set up, does it work, is it transparent to the user? Some of our people
who would be printing would be very unhappy if the system required
complicated machinations to print a file from any of the above machines.
Please email me directly, and I can summarize if there is enough interest
and/or enough response.
| Adios Amebas, | "I've tried and tried and I'm still mystified, |
| Rob Briber | I can't do it anymore and I'm not satisfied" |
| NIST 224/B210 | -Elvis |
| Gaithersburg, MD 20899| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-6775 (voice)| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-2128 (fax) | rbriber at nbsenh.bitnet (Bitnet) |
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