c++ vs ada results
Harry Erwin
erwin at trwacs.UUCP
Fri Jun 14 22:16:12 AEST 1991
paul at u02.svl.cdc.com (Paul Kohlmiller) writes:
>jls at netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) writes:
>>As with the "too many features" shibboleth, this common myth doesn't
>>hold up under even rudimentary analysis of the facts. There are
>>compilers available for a number of targets that produce code at
>>least as dense and efficient as C/C++ compilers for the same target.
> Could you specify one or more machines that have an available ADA compiler
>that generates code that is as efficient as a C compiler for the same machine?
>Paul Kohlmiller
Our experience is that an Ada compiler generates almost twice as many
machine instructions per executable statement as a C compiler. This
has nothing to do with the underlying efficiency of the compiler
and everything to do with the bells and whistles associated with
the language.
Harry Erwin
erwin at trwacs.fp.trw.com
Harry Erwin
Internet: erwin at trwacs.fp.trw.com
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