A Few Tektronix Printer/Driver Questions
David Duis
duis at sgi.com
Thu Jun 27 09:46:13 AEST 1991
In article <9106241314.aa11413 at VGR.BRL.MIL> cmellor at RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL writes:
>To Anyone Who Can Help,
> We have three Tektronix printers which are associated with our
>IRIS Workstations. The first is a model 4693D which is connect to
>and working with an IRIS 4D/GT. We also have a 4693DX and 4694DX
>printer which we would like to connect and access by a Personal
> I have three questions concerning the 4693DX and 4694DX:
> 1.) Am I correct in assuming that both of these printers
> have PostScript capabilities?
Nope. The SX and DX controllers are raster only. The PX and PXi are
PostScript controllers, supporting Tek-written Level 1 PostScript and
Adobe Level 2 PostScript, respectively.
> 2.) Will the SGI driver that we use on the 4D/GT with the
> 4693D printer work with the 4693DX and/or the 4694DX?
My understanding is that the 93DX accepts 93D command sequences just
fine. The 94DX has a user-settable 93DX compatibility mode, so it
should also behave compatibly. I tested this just now by printing an
image file using /usr/lib/print/t93print to a 94DX in 93DX
compatibility mode, and it printed just fine.
To get the 94DX into 93DX mode, go to its control panel. Hit
'Program' and scroll through until you get to '8a. Printer
Compatibility Mode.' You can then hit '-> move' and 'scroll' to
choose 4693DX mode.
> Thanks for help in advance...........
Sure thing!
David Duis Silicon Graphics, Inc.
duis at bent.esd.sgi.com, x7337 Mountain View, California
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