multi-processes and GL windows

tom rohling trohling at uceng.UC.EDU
Thu Jun 20 07:16:39 AEST 1991

       Is it possible to have multiple processes render to the same
    graphics window?

       The possible scenario would be something like this:

       I start up a main process to do some rendering which controls
    what rendering to do.  Each of the available rendering routines will
    be a separate process (executable).  That way, I can add new routines
    without having to recompile the main every time.  Anyway, each of
    the individual rendering processes should be able to render to the
    same window in sequential order, one after the other, that way there
    is no conflict in sending things down the graphics pipe.  
       Is something like this possible in any of the releases and how
    about 4.0 under X?

       Any hints/past experiences would be appreciated.

                                              Tom Rohling
                                              University of Cincinnati

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