2D contours - help.

Nitin Ingle ingle at acsu.buffalo.edu
Thu Jun 13 07:26:22 AEST 1991


I have just started to work on IRIS 4D. I have been trying to get familiar
with the graphics routines available on the machine. I was unable to locate
any routine [ c or fortran] which will help me draw 2D color contours.
I would like to know if there are any contour routines/packages available
for IRIS. In a related question, can one get hold of an algorithm which will
identify the points on any contour given an array of points in 2-D? [There
may be more than one closed or open contours for a given contour value.]

Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

-Nitin Ingle

ingle at artemis.eng.buffalo.edu

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