
Jill Gemmill jpg at NRC3D.NRC.UAB.EDU
Tue Jun 18 23:59:43 AEST 1991

>Is there a way to get graphics that I have on my screen to a
>laserprinter. I don't want to use tools like snapshot + tops
>as they print the actual pixel off the screen (bad resolution
>on the printer).
>What I'm looking for is some sort of device driver that can
>be called from my gl-program.

It sounds like you want to be drawing on your screen in postscript, 
then using same commands with differenct device driver for the

    Jill Gemmill			    	
    Neurobiology Research Center	    INTERNET: jpg at nrc3d.nrc.uab.edu
    University of Alabama at Birmingham  
    Volker Hall G82E			    PHONE: 205-934-7111 
    Birmingham Alabama 35294-0019	    FAX: 205-934-6571



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