Mark Overmars
markov at cs.ruu.nl
Wed Jun 26 01:47:50 AEST 1991
Version 1.4
I am happy to announce the release of version 1.4 of the forms library, a
public domain package for the design of interaction forms. Thanks
to the comments of many of you it has been improved further. Version 1.4 is
fully compatible with 1.3 although all programs have to be recompiled (not
just relinked). The main changes with respect to version 1.3 are:
- <Tab> now also switches between input fields. This allows the combined use
of input fields and a Return Button.
- A class Timer has been added.
- It is now possible to place forms at a fixed position or at the last
position they had before being removed.
- Double clicking now works in the file selector.
- A simple Counter type was created with one button on each side.
- Fine control for sliders has been added (used by holding down the <Shift>
- It is now possible to change sliders such that they return their value only
when the mouse is released.
- Better colors on systems with a small number of bitplanes.
- Many errors were corrected.
The best way to get the library is via anonymous ftp in our archive at
archive.cs.ruu.nl ( (if you can't do this, mail me).
In the directory SGI you find a directory FORMS that contains all stuff
related to the Forms Library. See the file INDEX there for details. The
package itself is contained in the file forms1.4.tar.Z.
Get it (in binary mode) and type
uncompress forms1.4.tar.Z
tar xvof forms1.4.tar
and you get a directory forms_library. It contains the library, 34 demo's
and 70 pages of LaTeX documentation. For those who do not
have LaTeX, the postscript version of the doc can be found in the file
formsdoc1.4.tar.Z in the same archive.
Good luck with it. Please report any bugs, questions, extensions, etc. to
markov at cs.ruu.nl.
Mark Overmars
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