running out of processes
Arnold M. Yee
ayee at
Sat Jun 29 03:13:47 AEST 1991
In article <1991Jun26.225607.8833 at>, olson at (Dave Olson) writes:
|> In <MCCALPIN.91Jun26091710 at> mccalpin at (John D. McCalpin) writes:
|> | I keep running out of process slots on my 4D25/TG running IRIX 3.3.1.
|> | I typically have 80 processes going when I am just sitting at the
|> | console, so if one person logs in on an X-windows terminal I usually
|> | hit the magic limit (around 90 processes?) and have to start killing
|> | things.
|> |
|> | This is very inconvenient for me. Is there any way that I can patch
|> | the kernel (or whatever) to up the size of the process table to at
|> | least 128 entries?
|> Change NPROC in /usr/sysgen/master.d/kernel, run /etc/init.d/autoconfig,
|> and then reboot. You might want to save your existing kernel first, just
|> in case :).
If you are running X-windows and open a lot of clients, you might also want to change MAXUP in /usr/sysgen/master.d/kernel.
Arnold M. Yee Systems Administrator CSC/NAS
ayee at NASA Ames Research Center
...!ames!amelia!ayee Mail Stop 258-6
415.604.4315 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
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