slow boot-time fsck -y -D, invoked by mount(!)

Apcah2 Super-User root at apcah2.Eng.McMaster.CA
Mon Feb 1 19:38:08 AEST 2016

In article <73531 at> daveh at (David A Higgen) writes:
>In article <1990Oct28.073438.8627 at utstat.uucp>, geoff at utstat.uucp (Geoff Collyer) writes:
>> We have an SGI 4D220 with 64Mb of main memory running Irix 3.2 with a
>> built-in ESDI disk and 4 SMD disks (3 Fujitsu Eagles and 1 Swallow) on a
>> Xylogics 754 (yer basic adequate computer).  The SMD drives come from an old
[ ... some details deleted for brevity ... ]
>I'm currently in the midst of a major overhaul of fsck which will appear
>in the next release. I've been able to make a speed improvement of a factor
>2 to 2.5 in the program itself, and there will be logic added to do
>parallel fsck's during bootup.

How about a -p option, instead of -y?  Is there a good reason to have fsck
run with -y always?

E. John Benjamins                                      BITNET: JOHNB at MCMASTER
Computer and Information Services,     Internet: johnb at
ABB 131, McMaster University, 
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada    "You can't chop down a symmetry" -- Jane Siberry

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