SUN 386i bind() problem

Craig Thomas mtxinu!binky!craigt at
Fri Apr 21 10:10:57 AEST 1989

mrevox!rwu at writes:
>Has anyone run into problems with the bind() call on the SUN 386i?

The trouble is the difference in byte order for your Sun386 host and the
network.  Check into the man page BYTEORDER(3N).  Change is needed for at
least this line:

>	name.sin_port = service->s_port;
should be:
	name.sin_port = htons(service->s_port);

 Craig Thomas 415-596-3646         {sun,lll-tis,pyramid,pacbell}!sybase!craigt
 Sybase, Inc., 6475 Christie Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608    craigt at

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