VME Unix Systems Page Sizes

Frank Heath earth!heath%sunkist.West at sun.com
Tue Aug 22 04:39:19 AEST 1989

One of our hardware designers asked me to post the following qwery:

	What is the common range of page sizes for VMEBus based Unix systems?
	I.e. .5k, 1k,...8k?

Please respond to me directly, I don't want to clutter the list.


Frank S. Heath
Rockwell SPD
4311 Jamboree Road
P.O. Box C
Newport Beach, CA, 92658-8902

(714) 833 6864
FAX (714) 833 6863
M/S 985-337
heath%mogwai.decnet at consort.rok.com
mogwai::heath (Decnet)

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