TAAC mailing list
phill%MED-IMAGE.COMPSCI.BRISTOL.AC.UK at cunyvm.cuny.edu
phill%MED-IMAGE.COMPSCI.BRISTOL.AC.UK at cunyvm.cuny.edu
Fri Mar 10 01:49:23 AEST 1989
This is to introduce the TAAC users mailing list. The intention is to
provide a forum where users or potential users of Sun's TAAC1 can share
their experiencees and hopefully find solutions to some of their problems
(if any). Neither of the administrators have any connection with Sun
Microsystems except for using their products.
There are two entry points to the list to attempt to reduce trans-Atlantic
email traffic - email sent to either address will be sent to all members
of the list. Currently the list is not moderated.
Entry points to the list are:
taac-users at uk.ac.bris.cs UK/Europe entry point
taac-users at pixel.cps.msu.edu USA entry point
Administration requests (subscriptions etc) should be sent to the
following addresses, depending on your location:
taac-users-request at uk.ac.bris.cs UK/Europe (Phill Everson)
taac-users-request at pixel.cps.msu.edu USA (Pat Flynn)
Phill Everson
Medical Imaging
Dept Comp Sci
University of Bristol, UK
More information about the Comp.sys.sun
mailing list