ie0: lost interrupt: resetting
Paul Allen
bcsaic!paula at
Fri Mar 10 00:48:51 AEST 1989
In article <8902080633.AA07926 at> rudolf at (Jim Rudolf) writes:
>We have two 3/280 servers running SunOS 3.5. Almost on a weekly basis,
>usually during a period of moderate net activity, one of the servers will
>start spewing forth with:
> ie0: lost interrupt: resetting
> [...]
I posted something about this last year. Not sure now which issue it
appeared in. I got mail from three different sites between Aug 13 and
Sept 19. The apparent fix was from leonid%TAURUS.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU.
He suggessted replacing the transceiver that connects the affected
machine(s) to the Ethernet coax. In our case, we had 5 3/280's connected
through a fan-out unit to a single transceiver. We were seeing several
crashes per day spread randomly over the 5 machines. The transceiver got
replaced (possibly as part of some unrelated work) and we haven't seen the
lost interrupt message since.
Paul Allen
Paul L. Allen | pallen at
Boeing Advanced Technology Center | ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!pallen
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