PostScript Previewers for Sunview at at
Fri Mar 24 00:05:05 AEST 1989
G.D.Pratt <gerry at SEQ1.KEELE.AC.UK>:
>We have been using the "ralpage" previewer which is in the public domain
>for this. As far as I know it is freely available, in source form, from
>the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - I obtained it on tape from Mark
>Phillips of the Single User Support Scheme.
It may not be obvious to some that these two are the same animal. The
biggest mistake I made in distributing it (after the lousy makefile) was
not to give it a real name :-) This is fixed in the next release, which is
called "Ralpage".
I have to announce that Ralpage is *not* in the Public Domain. Whilst it
is certainly freely available, it has to be licenced from the Rutherford
Lab. if it is going to be used in products. This was not my decision.
Anyone may use/alter/redistribute it however, but sales must involve the Lab.
I would appreciate it if people would document any fixes they make which
they redistribute - if people don't I will have extreme difficulty
reproducing reported bugs on my version.
>I also use xralpage when running an X server (with the Purdue speedups of
This is also known by some X users as XPS.
Name: Crispin Goswell |-------|__ Informatics Department
Usenet: {... | mcvax}!ukc!rlinf!caag | Tea | | Rutherford Appleton Lab
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