Using extra client partitions ....
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
loki at
Thu Mar 30 06:50:25 AEST 1989
We have a 3/180 acting as fileserver to 4 3/50's with SUN OS 3.5. The
3/180's disk is configured to support another 4 clients, each system
partition using about 7.7Mbytes. Since we have no intention of buying new
machines in the near future, I was hoping to be able to mount these unused
/dev/ndl partitions and use them as mini-storage areas for the users. We
have a considerable number of researchers, all with needs.
I cannot directly mount them, since they are 'busy' according to
/etc/mount. I have been able to make them available by uncommenting the
entries in nd.local for the unused clients. The network demon complains
about unknown users but /etc/mount subsequently allows them to be mounted.
I failed to see any obvious problem with this arrangement until lately,
when we have had series of problems which defied explanation.
Without belabouring you all with my woes, can anyone suggest why this
arrangement might be a problem and, further, how I might avoid these
problems and yet safely mount the spare partitions?
Please send directly to me by Email.
Thanks in advance,
Loki Jorgenson node: loki at
Physics, McGill University fax: (514) 398-3733
Montreal Quebec CANADA phone: (514) 398-6531
NB: For those of you who are wondering, yes, I did save the original
client systems before releasing the partitions to the users.
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