PC-NFS question: symbolic link resolution
Jeff Stearns
jeff at tc.fluke.com
Sat Mar 4 11:44:11 AEST 1989
kadmon!jason at mtxinu.com (Jason Venner) writes:
>Does anyone know how pc-nfs resolves symbolic links (or nfs for that
>If I mount a subtree as root, but mount things so that the sym links
>should be resolved (ie on the PC, all the relevant paths/files are there)
>the symlinks do not show up in ls listings.
At mount time:
# /etc/mount host:pathname "directory"
- Symbolic links in the pathname argument are pursued by the server at
mount time.
- This behavior is uniform for clients of all architectures because the server
is processing the pathname argument.
Mounted filesystems:
- The pathname resolution rules for NFS files depend on the client
- UNIX clients follow symbolic links in pathnames. (Keep in mind that
pathnames in symlinks are followed FROM THE CLIENT'S POINT OF VIEW.)
- PC-NFS clients don't know what a symlink is. Period. Symlinks are
"invisible" to PC-NFS clients. Thus they can't be followed.
Jeff Stearns John Fluke Mfg. Co, Inc. (206) 356-5064
jeff at tc.fluke.COM {uw-beaver,microsoft,sun}!fluke!jeff
PS - Calling all users of the Vitalink TransLAN IV Ethernet bridge! Please
drop me a line.
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