FREE Subscription to SunTechnology
Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer
meltzer at
Wed Mar 8 08:25:36 AEST 1989
| FREE Subscription to SunTechnology: The Journal for Sun Users |
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SunTechnology: The Journal for Sun Users exists to fill an information gap
on the technical and application issues relating to Sun Microsystems
computing systems. Its intent is to supply concise, interesting, and
useful pieces about the technology and ideas being developed at Sun
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[ ] 30 End Users
[ ] 31 Integrating OEM
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[ ] 34 Public Institutions, Medical, Universities
[ ] 35 Computer Systems Integrators
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[ ] 38 Independent, Scientific R&D
[ ] 39 System Consultants and Software Houses
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[ ] 40 Under 100
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[ ] 50 Design & Development
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