X crashing at irregular occasions on SUN 3's
Paul Smith
paul at amos.ucsd.edu
Fri Mar 31 13:07:47 AEST 1989
schultz at mmm.serc.mmm.com (John C Schultz):
>We have been suffering an intermmitent problem with diskless SUN 3's
>crashing after coming out of xlock under X11R2 (SunOS 3.5).
>the display will go black and no keyboard or mouse entry is allowed. Even
>L1-A does nothing. Powering off and back on is the only cure....
Sorry I can't offer any help but at least I can commiserate. We have been
experiencing similar problems with our sun 3/50s and 60s. We are running
X11R3 under 4.0. I haven't connected the problem with xlock, but we do
regularly run xlock. We also run X11R3 on our 4/260 but haven't had the
problem there.
One thing I should make clear is that the sun isn't actually "crashed".
In our case it's only the monitor which has died, and the CPU board's
L.E.D.s don't indicate an error. Our suns are happily babbling away on
the net while the monitor and keyboard are down.
Can anybody help?
Paul Smith
paul at amos.ucsd.edu pssmith at ucsd (619) 534-2695
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