sendmail does not remove temp file

Richard Korry richk at
Wed Apr 11 12:18:02 AEST 1990

Sorry if this is old news. We are running 4.0.1 on Sun 3/80s as diskless
clients. Here is some data:

-r-sr-x--x  2 root       114688 Jan 30 16:42 /usr/lib/sendmail
drwxrws---  2 root         3072 Apr 10 19:09 /usr/spool/mqueue

If I type

% /usr/lib/sendmail -t < myfile

the mail is delivered but the temp files in /usr/spool/mqueue remain.

-rw-------  2 root            0 Apr 10 19:09 qfAA04648
-rw-------  2 root            0 Apr 10 19:09 lfAA04648
-rw-r--r--  1 root            0 Apr 10 19:09 xfAA04648
-rw-------  1 root           14 Apr 10 19:09 dfAA04648

This works fine on the server. Any ideas?  Send me e-mail if you can.

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