How does one control the UART ports directly on a SS1

Troy Schumaker sparc2!ts at
Tue Apr 10 09:04:52 AEST 1990

Would anyone know how to directly control the UART on a SPARCstation 1?  I
would like to be able to control DTR (e.g. toggling this port) along with
other ports on the UART.

I recognize that this is a very, very old fashioned way to approaching
things, however we are under a specification for a client, requiring us to
demonstrate this capability.

Thank you for your efforts.

   Troy T. Schumaker               
   Software Engineer             {,uunet!}!sacto!sparc2!ts
   OSI     			 day:   (916) 987-1858
   1002 River Rock Dr. Suite 221 vmail: (916) 441-8314         
   Folsom, CA 95815          	 fax:   (916) 987-0510

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