Dial in and dial out on a SparcStation-1

Karl Fox karl at morningstar.com
Fri Feb 2 14:16:28 AEST 1990

Here's how I got my SparcStation 1 to use a Trailblazer+ bidirectionally.
First, don't ignore Carrier Detect.  Getty's open will block waiting for
CD to come up, but will only succeed if the device isn't already open (as
with an outgoing call).

	# eeprom ttya-ignore-cd=false

Also, fix the ttya-mode eeprom setting.  The factory default value doesn't
match the man page syntax, and the neat bidirectional driver feature
doesn't work.

	# eeprom ttya-mode=19200,8,1,n,-

Make the call-out device.

	# ls -l /dev/ttya
	crw--w--w-  1 root      12,   0 Jan 21 18:09 /dev/ttya
	# mknod /dev/cua c 12 128
	# ls -l /dev/cua
	crw-rw-rw-  1 root      12, 128 Jan 18 21:36 /dev/cua

Reboot your machine (I'm not sure if this is necessary; I think it is).

Enable the getty.

	# head -7 /etc/ttytab
	# @(#)ttytab 1.4 88/02/07 SMI
	# name	getty				type	status	comments
	console	"/usr/etc/getty std.9600"	sun	on secure
	ttya	"/usr/etc/getty std.19200"	unknown	on secure

I can't remember if I added the std.19200 entry to /etc/gettydefs.  If I
did, it was a copy of the std.9600 entry with the speed and name changed.

Configure tip/uucp.  The hayes dialer chokes on the "CONNECT FAST"
message, so I had to put the dialing scripts in L.sys.  The backslashes in
the L.sys listing are, of course, for clarity only.

	# cat /etc/uucp/L-devices

	DIR cua 0 19200
	DIR cua 0 9600
	DIR cua 0 2400
	DIR cua 0 1200

	# head -5 /etc/remote


	# cat /etc/uucp/L.sys

	foo Any,1 cua 19200 cua "" A\dA\dAT\r OK ATDT5551212\r ogin: Ubar \
		ssword: YooHoo

	osu-cis Any,1 cua 2400 cua "" A\dA\dAT\r OK ATDT2923124\r CONNECT \
		\d\r\r\d\r\r\d\r\r Name? osu-cis nected \c GO \d\r\d\r\d\r \
		in:--in: Uanon

That's it.  However, there is still one thing I can't get to work.  If I
use a gettydefs entry that allow multiple speeds, selected with break,
then logins don't work at any speed, although calling out works just fine.
I would appreciate any suggestions.

Karl Fox, Morning Star Technologies               karl at MorningStar.Com

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