Sun 4/110 and CDC MacWren 94171-307 ? begging for help !

Louis Demers louis at
Tue Feb 6 02:55:02 AEST 1990

Has anybody gotten those two to speak ?

We were able to format, partition and install the software only to find
out we could not boot from it. We got an error saying

sense key =2, error 5, ...
waiting for the drive to spin up ....
sense key =2, error 5, ...

These errors apparently mean the drive wasn't properly selected and was
not ready for further transaction.

When booting from another drive, we could mount any partition from the
MacWren and access them at will. So it apprears the drivers from Sun OS
4.0.3 do support this drive.

	Thanks in advance.

PS: In the config file , a reference is made to the SUN 4/110 scsi
    controller as beeing weird ! anybody know why ?
PPS: Mail answers would be preferred.

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