Sendmail to Programs on SunOs 4.0.3

Aaron Y. T. Cheung cs519905 at
Tue Feb 20 02:06:52 AEST 1990

|                      ....  If I mail to mailprint locally all works fine
| but if someone outside mails in to ...mymachine!mailprint the sender
| receives in return
|    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
|    getwd: can't stat .
|    554 "| /usr/local/bin/printmail"... unknown mailer error 1
| I'd be very grateful if anyone could shed some light on this.  I'm using
| the sendmail config file almost as shipped with SunOs 4.0.3 only modified
| to set relay mail etc. - no rules changed at all.  Many thanks in advance.

Looks like it's related to the current working directory problem, that
user daemon cannot search the working directory (probably that directory
doesn't have search/read permission for others), or there's no working
directory set.  I'd suggest either try making the working directory
world-searchable or, if there had not been a working directory set, try
putting a cd command or a chdir() function to use the, say, /tmp dir.

Hope it helps.
Regards, /aaron.

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