X11.3 for Sparcstation BW 17"

Geof Cooper smiley!geof at uunet.uu.net
Tue Jan 2 18:12:16 AEST 1990

I'm trying to get X11.3 up on our new Sparcstation 1's with 17" BW
monitors (8-bit/pixel).  I installed the generic "core" system and
attempted to run xinit on the console.  It dies with a large core file and
a message that it couldn't contact the X server, and leaves the keyboard
in key-transition mode, so the machine must be booted from an rlogin to be
useable from the console again.

Can someone tell me either [1] what I did wrong, or [2] where to get an
X11.3 for this Sparcstation configuration.

Any ideas on how to unfreeze the keyboard when this happens?  unplugging
it and re-plugging it doesn't work, nor does entering the monitor briefly.

Reply by mail to geof at smiley, please.

- Geof

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