RFS under SunOS 4.1

Richard Dellaripa richd at prism.gatech.edu
Thu Jun 14 02:19:00 AEST 1990

Where I work, we're looking at getting a handful of Sun equipment (SS 1+s,
330, etc).  When they arrive, I expect they'll all be running SunOS 4.1,
which now comes with RFS.  I was wondering if anyone out there has any
experience with RFS under SunOS, and if so, what their opinion of it is.
I assume that, in theory, one could do totally without NFS and use RFS
instead, but I'm worried about performance and reliablity issues.  Any
advice or observations about RFS would be greatly appreciated.

                 Richard C. Dellaripa -- GTRI/EML/EOD
        Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
                   Internet: richd at prism.gatech.edu

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