SPARC architecture manuals wanted

Kennedy Lemke Kennedy_J_Lemke at
Mon Oct 8 07:30:00 AEST 1990

We have some folks here who will be teaching an architecture course on the
SPARC chip, but the manuals that come with Sun's basic manuals do not
cover the topic very comprehensively.

The SPARC reference manual does mention two books: "The SPARC Architecture
Manual" and "SPARC Processor Overview"; I seem to remember seeing a part
number for these, but now of course can't find it.

Could someone please tell me sources/Sun part numbers for either of the
above books, or perhaps suggest other books that would comprehensively
cover this chip (and where I can get them)?  Thanks much.

				Kennedy Lemke

Work Phone: (609) 258-6033      Internet: lemke at Princeton.EDU
Fax Phone:  (609) 258-3943      uucp:     ...rutgers!princeton!lemke
Home Phone: (609) 275-7298      Bitnet:   LEMKE at PUCC.BITNET

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