Problem with a Wren V

Thu Apr 18 07:14:13 AEST 1991

I have a Wren V 94181-702 attached to a 4/60 running under OS 4.1.1.  The
drive is partitioned into a single partition, and attached as a second
external drive on SCSI bus as sd2.

When trying to analyze the drive (from format command) for reading, in
preparation for creating a file system, some 620 cylinders (out of 716)
pass the test, but then the following error messages are displayed on the
console when remaining cylinders are tested:

   esp0: Current command timeout for Target 2 Lun 0
   sd0:   SCSI transport failed: reason 'reset'
   sd2:   incomplete read- retrying

The partition can be mounted, and used. But when sd2a is fscked the above
messages are displayed again.  I suspect that the controller or the drive
mechanism malfunctions.  Anybody had that problem? Can you throw some more
light on what is going wrong with the drive and what (other that send for
repair) can be done?

I'll appreciate your responses,
Alex Bykat

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