speech with a sun work station
Vicki Brown
vlb at apple.com
Thu Jun 6 00:17:00 AEST 1991
The following was posted on misc.handicap. I'm cross-posting it here in
hopes that someone who reads the Sun groups has a suggestion. The search is
for software which will read what's on the screen. I understand the
SPARCstations have the ability to do sound output?
Please Email any responses either directly to William, or to me.
Neither of us reads these groups regularly.
>> I will be interviewing with a computer company out here in the Dallas/Fort
>> Worth area in the fall for the possibility of a full-time job when I
>> graduate from college.
>> The department I would get the job in uses Sun Work
>> Stations for most applications.
>> Does anyone know of a system that would give speech output for one of these
>> work stations?
>> William
>> --
>> Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!393!9!William.Hubbs
>> Internet: William.Hubbs at f9.n393.z1.fidonet.org
Vicki Brown A/UX Development Group Apple Computer, Inc.
Internet: vlb at apple.com MS 50UX, 10300 Bubb Rd.
UUCP: {sun,amdahl,decwrl}!apple!vlb Cupertino, CA 95014 USA
Ooit'n Normaal Mens Ontmoet? En..., Beviel't?
(Have you ever met a normal person? So..., did you like it?)
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