Nigel Mitchem
nigel at
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991
We have a network of three SPARCstations: tom, dick and harry. Dick
is connected to a Panasonic dot matrix printer while harry is connected
to a HP LaserJet III printer. Both printers are connected via the RS-232
serial port. ASCII files can be printed on either printers from any one
of the SPARCstations. The HP LJ III is also connected via the parallel
port to an stand alone PC, say Loney, to allow our secretaries to use
existing WP packages. So far, so good!
We have installed LaTeX and related tools such as textool. Since we do
not have a postcript driver, it is necessary to use dvijep to be able
to use the HP LJ-III. However the picture isnt rosy.
Suppose there is a LaTeX file `paper.tex' with the usual `paper.dvi'.
On any one of the SPARCs, dvijep creates a file `paper.dvi-jep'. By
whatever means e.g. `lpr -Plw' or `cp /dev/ttya' (on harry) GARBAGE
is produced instead of a nice looking paper!!!
The `fix' we have developed is to ftp in binary mode from a SPARC to
a disk on another PC via Ethernet. Then taking the disk to Loney and
`copy a:paper.dvi-jep /b lpt1' does the trick.
QUESTION: is there a BETTER fix to print a *.*jep file directly
to the HP LJ III?????????????????????????????
Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Tilak Ratnanather
Dept of Mathematics
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V oHB
e-mail: jtr%mathsun1 at
sg391 at
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