Error for command '<undecoded cmd 0x2a>'
Marianne Van der Wel, Ext. 4156
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991
We have a lab with SUN Sparcstation 1+ computers...16 clients and 1 server...
the server has 2-300mb and 1-600mb hard disks from SUN and a 1.2gb 3rd party
hard disk. On the weekend of May 10-12, the system produced the following
error message at regular intervals for sd3 (our 3rd party hard disk):
Error: sd3 Error for command '<undecoded cmd 0x2a>'
Level: Fatal Block: xxxxxx
Sense Key: Hardware Error ^The block Numbers varied!
On May 13, the messages stopped although no corrective action was taken. At
that time, we did: dd if=/dev/rsd3g of=/dev/null bs=64k several times.
No errors resulted, each time! As of May 21, the message has not returned
since May 13.
Does anyone know what this error message means? The 3rd party vendor suggested
reformatting the disk, which I'm reluctant to do without a better understanding
of the problem.
Many thanks!
Marianne Van der Wel
C.I.S. Computing Services Coord. - Eng.
McMaster University
Hamilton. Ont.
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