207 MB Drives in SS1(+)'s

Thomas Wolf wolf at mink.att.com
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991

>From article <3757 at brchh104.bnr.ca>, by mferrare at physics.adelaide.edu.au (Mark Ferraretto):
> gld at cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Gary L Dare) writes:
>>>You can definitely put one 207 in an SS1, or two 104's, but 
>>>not two 207's (unless you add fans, a messy operation).
> How about a 104 and one 207?
I didn't catch the beginnings of this thread, but I'll throw in my 2-cents
worth anyway :-)
When we bought our SS1s a couple years back, SUN only sold the 104Mb drives
(I think).  In any event, we went to a 3-rd party vendor who sold the 207Meg
drives and who assured us that they'd work ok in the SS1s.  Now, I don't
know whether it was lack of cooling, a bad batch of disks (they were all
Maxtors), or whatever, but since this time, 4 (or 5, can't remember) out
of 8 drives installed had to be replaced.  Most recently (about 4 months
ago) I replaced the latest "casualty" with a Rodime drive.  So far, so good :-)

The vendor who sold us the disks thinks we just bought a "bad batch" and that
all their other customers were extremely happy with their 207s...So far, they
were decent enough to replace the defective drives free of charge.


+-------------------------------------+ "Stupid" questions are better than
| Thomas Wolf   | (201) 615-4789      | no questions at all. No answer is
| Bell Labs, NJ | wolf at mink.att.com   | better than a stupid one.

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