207 MB Drives in SS1(+)'s
Chris Johnson
chris at com50.c2s.mn.org
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991
In article <3757 at brchh104.bnr.ca> mferrare at physics.adelaide.edu.au (Mark Ferraretto) writes:
>gld at cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Gary L Dare) writes:
>>>You can definitely put one 207 in an SS1, or two 104's, but
>>>not two 207's (unless you add fans, a messy operation).
>How about a 104 and one 207?
Actually, it really depends on the amount of power each drive uses, and the
amount of heat it generates. If you had a 207 MB drive that used the same
or less power, and generated the same or less heat as a 104 MB, there would
be no reason you could not put two of them in an SS1.
However, I suspect for most people, they are talking about the specific model
of drives that Sun ships, which are Quantum ProDrives for the 104 MB, and
either a Quantum ProDrive or a Maxtor LXT for the 207 MB (at least in the
machines we've gotten through here).
I don't know about the Quantum 207 MB, but it is true that the Maxtor
puts the SS1 power supply right at its crumbling edge with two of them
stuffed in there, and I also know the Maxtors tend to run hotter. Whether
that's too hot, I don't know, since I haven't done any real calculations.
Note also that later model SPARCstations have better power supplies, and
the SS2 has an auxilliary fan in the drive area.
...Chris Johnson chris at c2s.mn.org ..uunet!bungia!com50!chris
Com Squared Systems, Inc. St. Paul, MN USA +1 612 452 9522
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