video output options?
Sandy Napel
snapel at
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991
We are running SunVision on vme-bus sun4's and SPARC-2's. I would
appreciate hearing about products which would enable me to record
video on standard VCRs. S-bus boards (for the SPARC-2's) and
vme boards (for the sun4's) which would allow me to capture
selected windows, and "black-boxes" that convert sun-video to
NTSC are possibilities.
Thanks in advance
Sandy Napel, Ph.D. | snapel at
Assistant Professor of Radiology | office: (415) 725-8027
Department of Diagnostice Radiology and | fax: (415) 725-7296
Nuclear Medicine
Room S-047 Mail Stop 5105
Stanford University School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, California, 94025-5105
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