type4 keyboard for sun3
J. Adams - SunOS Wizard
adams at ucunix.san.uc.edu
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991
In article <3636 at brchh104.bnr.ca> portal!charlene!aldrich at uunet.uu.net (Jeff Aldrich) writes:
>Has anyone out there adapted a Type4 keyboard to a Sun3? I have a
My 3/60, purchased new and showing Apr/90 date of mfg, came with a type
4 keyboard. The docs stated that the dip switch #1 should be set 'on'
for SunOS 3.5 on a Sun 3 and 'off' for SunOS 4.0 or later. For Sun 386i
and Sun4 machines, switch 1 should be 'off'. The LED's will only work
with SunOS 4.1 or later.
There should be no other problems, except you may need to change the key
mapping if your applications are specific for the old style keyboard.
Jim Adams Department of Physiology and Biophysics
adams at ucunix.san.uc.edu University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
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... Jim Morrison
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