Dynamic shared libraries
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991
Path: windy!srwmpnm
From: srwmpnm at windy.dsir.govt.nz
Newsgroups: comp.sys.sun
Subject: Dynamic shared libraries
Message-ID: <18894.282916ba at windy.dsir.govt.nz>
Date: 9 May 91 09:30:34 GMT
Summary: How do I map memory after dlopen()?
Keywords: dynamic shared libraries dlopen ld
Organization: DSIR, Wellington, New Zealand
News-Moderator: Approval required for posting to comp.sys.sun
Lines: 16
Has anyone successfully called "the simple programmatic interface routines to
the dynamic linker" dlopen(), dlsym(), dlerror() and dlclose(), on a Sun 4?
Everything works ok if I explicitly ld the main program with the shared
library, but in that case there's not much point in calling the dl*() routines
anyway. In my case I don't know the name of the shared library until
run-time, so I can't ld with the library.
If I don't ld with the library then dlopen() and dlsym() succeed, but memory
at the location returned by dlsym() never gets mapped. I get a segment
violation when I try to access memory there.
What do I have to do to ensure the memory gets mapped? Any help would be
Thanks, Peter McGavin. (srwmpnm at wnv.dsir.govt.nz)
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