Q's on serial and GX on 3/60

Chris Swanson swansonc at stolaf.edu
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991


	I have two questions.  First of all, what would be the chepest
way to add additional serial access to a 3/60 and what would it cost
(used equipment is fine)?

	Second, does anybody know of used GX's for the 3/60 that are


 Chris Swanson, C.U. CS/Pre-med Student, 1502 N. 59 st., Omaha, NE  68104-4830
 DDN: [CDS6]   INTERNET:  swansonc at acc.stolaf.edu  UUCP: uunet!stolaf!swansonc
  AT&T:	    Work: (402)-449-4894       Home: (402)-551-7393 or (402)-551-0766
	I would deny this reality, but that wouldn't pay the bills...

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